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Communicable Diseases


Communicable Disease Chart
(Information obtained from Ohio Department Health) 

DISEASES Symptoms Method Transmission Communicable Period Controls
Chicken Pox Skin rash blisters, scabs Direct Contact  with drainage, airborne droplets 1-2 days prior to rash appearing through 6 days after sores appear Exclude until 6 days after onset of rash and sores are dry
Flu Abrupt onset of chills, fever, headaches, sore muscles, runny nose, sore throat, cough are common Direct contact with infected person or indirect contact from soiled items with nose and throat discharge from infected person, airborne in crowded areas 1 day before symptoms, up to 5 days after symptoms begin- may be up to 10 days in younger children Exclusion from school based on child's symptoms i.e fever
Strep Throat Red throat with pus spots, fever,  tender, swollen lymph nodes Direct contact with secretions from infected person or large droplets, or indirect contact with objects contaminated by infected person Until 24 hours antibiotics completed Early diagnosis and treatment is essential in preventing complications 
Impetigo/MRSA Blister like pus filled bumps progress yellow crusted sores Direct contact with sores or indirect contact with items soiled by drainage from sores 2 to 10 days (sometimes longer), as long as drainage is present Exclude until no drainage present and after 24 hours of treatment 
Mono Fever, sore throat, swollen lymph nodes (glands), fatigue, headache, spider veins roof mouth, Direct contact saliva of infected person Unknown Need not exclude under ordinary circumstances
Ringworm Scaly bald patches on scalp or flat ring like rash to skin Direct contact with infected area or items that have come into contact with skin infections As long as lesions are present Exclude until 24 hours treatment given
Scabies Linear burrows in skin, often found between fingers, inside wrists, elbow, armpits, genital area, intense itching at night Direct skin to skin contact. Pets do not transmit the mite. From infestation prior to rash until treatment, Exclude until 24 hours after treatment, wash and dry clothing, bedding, personal articles.  Treat others who have been in contact.
Head Lice Itchy scalp, feeling something move through hair, white to yellow brown nits attached to hair Direct hair to hair contact or indirect contact with infested persons combs, hats, or bedding As long as infested person is infested, live aff hair 24 to 48 hours.  Eggs live off host 7 to 10 days Exclude until pediculocide treatment is given.